
Monday, May 20, 2013

Open failed. Could not open file mdf for file number 2. OS error 5(Access denied)

Today my one client told me that their database could not access in yesterday, we try to use the database and got message error 
the database could not access due to disk space or insufficient memory

First I checked the disk space and found that there is ample disk space.
Then I checked SQL Server error log, It shows the below error:

FCB::Open: Operating system error 5(Access is denied.) occurred while creating or opening file DATABASE_log.ldf ‘. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.

Generally an OS error 5 means there is no permission to modify a particular file. Than I suspect that the account that is running SQL Server Service does not have permissions to modify the LDF and MDF files.

So, then I checked the write permission to the file by right click on the files (both mdf and LDF) and select properties and than from security TAB checked the write permission to these files. I set the write permission. 

Now problem solved.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Swap data between columns

Sometime we may mistakenly insert data into a wrong column if we have two identical columns with same data type. To correct this we have to delete the data from the wrong column and insert that in the proper column. Here we had to do lot of work. Swapping can be done :
1.with the help of a temporary variable .

Suppose we have a table named Customer with 3 columns: CustomerID, FName, LName.
              CustomerID: int 
              FName: varchar(35)
              LName: varchar(35)

and we have inserted some rows to the table.

Insert into Customer values(1,'Ladha','Arun')
Insert into Customer values(2,'Daga','Ashit')
Insert into Customer values(3,'Shah','Nishi')
Insert into Customer values(4,'Singh','Ayan')

Here I had inserted FName data in LName and LName data into FName.
Now, I want to swap them.

1. Swap with the help of temporary variable:
DECLARE @temp AS varchar(10)

UPDATE Customer SET @temp=LName, LName=FName, FName=@temp

  The resulting  table can be verified.

UPDATE Customer SET LName = FName, FName = LName

This query can also swap the column data.

Monday, May 6, 2013

database last accessed date time

Sometime you may required to know the last accessed date and time of database..
Below query returns the lass accessed date and time of SQL Database.

SELECT DatabaseName, MAX(LastAccessDate) LastAccessDate
        DB_NAME(database_id) DatabaseName
        , last_user_seek
        , last_user_scan
        , last_user_lookup
        , last_user_update
    FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats) AS PivotTable
    (LastAccessDate FOR last_user_access IN
        , last_user_scan
        , last_user_lookup
        , last_user_update)
    ) AS UnpivotTable
GROUP BY DatabaseName
HAVING DatabaseName NOT IN ('master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb')
ORDER BY MAX(LastAccessDate)

The biggest problem of above query is that all information will be lost when you restart SQL Server. So, this is not applicable for servers which frequently restarted. 

Other problem is related to Full-Text-Catalogs. If you have enabled Full-Text-Index on your tables, you might see a record saying that database has been accessed without any user operations. This is because of Full-Text-Indexes.